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Making Mischief Compton Verney

In 2023, I was commissioned to create my largest, most ambitious project to date. Working in coproduction with Saathi House, women’s project based in Aston, Birmingham, we created a series of four canvases that adorn the pillars, a large scale banner and a set of pieces for the Folk Art Gallery at Compton Verney.

Inspired by the Making Mischief  folk costume exhibition, through a set of workshops, we created the most spectacular installation.


The text and patterns on the columns take their inspiration from the twelve small protest banners created by the women. Working over several sessions, including a research day here at the house, the women closely studied the work in the eclectic exhibition of folk costume, drawing connections with motifs, patterns and techniques reminiscent of traditional South Asian crafts and customs. The paisley patterns, for example, adorning contemporary costumes, originates from Persia (Iran) and symbolises life and eternity, and some of the stitching on the waistcoats evoked kantha stitching, derived from Bangladesh and East India. Using materials that reflected many of the women’s cultural heritage, we created small banners that carried personal messages about values, inclusion, diversity and experiences of oppression. These have been curated to reflect powerful pieces that give voice to the women of Saathi House.  

The 4 Cholis (traditional blouses worn with sari) were co-produced by the members following a day of research at Compton Verney.

The group were particularly drawn to the Pearly King and Queen’s jackets in the exhibition as well as specific stitching on some of the costumes similar in style to kantha stitching, originating from India and Bangladesh. The women wanted to apply their own cultural heritage to a contemporary reimagining of the traditional waist coat, a staple item of many folk dancers. They decided to use  cholis-  colourful short sleeved blouses traditionally worn with a sari by women from South East Asian and the wider Indian diaspora.  The buttons were carefully chosen and were used to create motifs reflecting political and social issues close to the women’s hearts.

Raising the banner at Afterhours

The large banner co-designed by the women was raised at Afterhours in May 2023. The women took the ropes and hoisted the banner high, in front of an appreciative crowd. The message Workers of the World Unite and Dance is in recognition of the working class roots of traditional folk dancing across the world, and celebrates all of those who contribute in their own way to keeping the world turning.

"We are the Sister Resisters celebrating all workers of the world, and we invite you all to unite and dance"

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